  • Rewards 19

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  • We have Mediation on Monday for refusal to assess, for my 12 year old daughter who is in Y8 and really struggling. Parental request. LA have ...

    ... clearly accepted she has SEN in their refusal letter, so that’s the first hurdle.

    Refusal letter from LA:
    -the evidence presented felt contradictory in that **** has shared she does not feel anxious about school but parents have shared that **** can mask
    -limited evidence from school to support parents view that **** is struggling in school
    -information from school reference academic information very limited
    -panel felt that whilst **** clearly has some additional needs, there seems to be a breakdown in communication between home and school

    The CAMHS report evidenced clearly states her level of anxieties reported many times from my daughter, however the LA felt it was contradictory despite a letter from CAMHS. Nonsense. The first sentence in her ADOS report states ‘**** was contradictory about high school, she said it’s better than primary school as it’s bigger however constantly having to move around for different lessons is very difficult. She denies she is anxious about going INTO school but she dislikes all the people in her form’…

    My daughters CAMHS worker is attending the mediation meeting also.

    I’ve printed every email I’ve sent to school, and 9 times out of 10 not had a response. They really do not care and have also not fed any of these issues to the LA when they have requested information from them.

    Looking for any advice for Monday, I’m well aware it’ll most likely be a fail but I just try. I’ve got a tribunal in January for my other daughter, not quite sure I have it in me to go through to all again ?

    K Houghton

    19 Nov 2022

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